When changing your bank account number, it is best to report this as soon as possible in order not to have any problems with the direct debit. This keeps everything running smoothly and you do not risk the blocking of your fuel card. You can do this conveniently via an email at [email protected] or on the contact page of MAES.
How can we help you?
Frequently asked questions about:
MAES Mobility Card
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You can always request a new password via the link under your password, if you have also lost your username and / or e-mail address, it is best to contact us.
Do you not receive a confirmation email after submitting an online fuel card request? Then be sure to check your SPAM folder. Sometimes the mails can end up here. You have nothing? Please contact us via email or our contact page.
To download your invoices you can always go to “My MAES”, where you can find all information. Do you no longer have your login details? Contact us via email or the contact page.
You can request the pin code by e-mail, but make sure you do this with your registered e-mail address.
Our fuel card is free, so you have no fixed costs, administration costs or purchase obligation. You just pay what you refueled each month.
An MMC is always registered on a name and is personal. On license plate is not possible and it is also not transferable to third parties.
No that is not possible. You can pay toll with the MMC in Europe but for the kilometer toll in Belgium an OBU remains necessary.
Have you lost your MAES Mobility Card or has it been stolen? Report this loss directly to the police and the MAES customer service. The MAES Mobility Card is then immediately blocked. It is also possible to report the loss of your card online. Log in on ‘My MAES’ and click on ‘lost’ with your data and your card is immediately blocked. The “Lost and stolen” department is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Call MAES:
+ (32) (0) 3 889 89 89
After this, a new MAES Mobility Card will be created immediately, which will be sent to you as soon as possible. The PIN code of your new MAES Mobility Card will not change.
Are you interested in the MMC? Send an email to [email protected] with your info!
No, this is not possible. We refer you directly to www.xximo.com