Multi-brand fuel card: refueling with multiple brands

Choose the ultimate freedom in fuel choice with our fuel card and fill up at your favourite station at one of our 1,700 filling stations.


fuel card for companies makes it much easier for you and your employees – especially if you opt for a multi-brand fuel card, such as the MAES fuel card. Comparing fuel cards is certainly worth the effort. Here we explain what you can expect from such a multi-brand card, and at which stations you can pay with the MAES fuel card.

What is a multi-brand tank card?

A multi-brand fuel card, such as the MAES fuel card, is an electronic payment card that you can use to refuel at stations of different brands. In the case of the MAES fuel card you do not have to limit yourself to the 280 MAES service stations: you can also use this fuel card at, among others, EssoTexacoG&V, Haan and many other brands. You can refuel with a single card at more than 1,500 service stations in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. And from the beginning of 2020, the more than 200 Shell stations in Belgium will be adde

The benefits of the MAES multi-brand tank card

It is of course extremely easy that thanks to the MAES fuel card you can have your car filled up at more than 1,500 stations. But optimum coverage – which is not nearly as obvious with an own-brand fuel card – is not even the only advantage. With our multi-brand fuel card, you profit from:

  • Discounts on all your refueling in Belgium (except along motorways)
    With the MAES multi-brand fuel card you always refuel at an extremely competitive price. And not only are the fuel prices extra competitive; your MAES fuel card itself is, because you can request it completely free of charge.
  • Transparent invoicing
    You also retain control over your fuel costs, because you receive a invoice twice a month. This invoice is extremely detailed and transparent. No more hassle with receipts!
  • Deferred payment via invoicing
    Thanks to this periodic settlement, you also benefit from free credit every month.
betalen met tankkaart
tanken met pistool
  • Safe refueling
    With the multi-brand tank card from MAES, you and your employees are protected against fraud and theft. Thanks to your personal pin code (which you can choose and change at the stations managed by us) you are the only one who can get started with your fuel card!
  • Handy MAES app
    Brand new and easy to use app that allows you to always find the nearest station, but also to refuel on your mobile. This way you can release the pump via the app!
  • Fuel card for Belgium
    The MAES multi-brand fuel card is at your service in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. If you also opt for the MAES Mobility Card extras, you can go to all stations in Europe outside Belgium where you can pay with Visa. Moreover, that card gives you access to a handy app, with which you can buy train tickets, see where the nearest parking place or car wash is, how much you have already filled up, and so on
  • Online management of your multi-brand card (s)
    A handy online module is linked to the MAES multi-brand fuel card: “My MAES”. You do not only check your personal profile via that management module; As an employer, you also keep a close eye on the consumption of your employees, and you can, among other things, deactivate cards.

Find the nearest fuel station

Refeul at more than 1.700 stations including MAES, ESSO, SHELL, TEXACO, G&V, Haan..

Which brands can I use with the MAES multi-brand fuel card?

You can refuel with the MAES fuel card at:

But also at the following brands:

  • G&V
  • PMO
  • DeSimpel
  • Vissers
  • Firezone
  • Pitpoint

Frequently asked questions

Is the fuel card for the self-employed really completely free?

Yes it is! Both the application, invoicing (twice a month) and use of the online module are completely free! There are no hidden costs, no small print and no minimum purchase. Note! The MAES Hybrid Card does have a small cost of just 1 euro per month and a low transaction cost of 0.50 euro.

Can I apply for multiple fuel cards for the self-employed?

You can easily make the request via our website, where you can also specify the desired number of cards.

Is there a limit on my fuel card for the self-employed and can I increase it?

The fuel cards are sent with a standard limit of €250 per week. But if you wish, you can set a different limit, which can be per day, week or month. Not every amount is possible, but you can always contact us by e-mail and we will put this right away.


How can I block my fuel card for the self-employed?

You can easily block a fuel card yourself via our portal or simply via e-mail.

Fleet fuel cards for use with multiple brands

This type of fuel card is ideal for those who manage a large fleet, with or without different types of cars, each with their own fuel needs. The wide network of MAES has everything for the most varied fleet, from AdBlue to CNG and LPG. This way you give your drivers complete freedom.

The costs of a multi-brand tank card

A fuel card with which you refuel with multiple brands does not have to be more expensive than a brand name fuel card. For example, there are no extra costs associated with the MAES fuel card – think of ‘service fees’, start-up costs or other administrative fees that you pay at most other providers – and yet you can always count on an advantageous price at the pump.

The difference between a multi-brand tank card and an own-brand tank card

The big difference between a multi-brand and an own-brand tank card is of course already hidden in the name. With the latter type of card you will only find yourself at one’s own stations, while with a multi-brand tank card you can refuel with multiple brands (for example, you can refuel at Esso with a MAES card). A number of differences follow from this:

  • The coverage ratio
    A multi-brand fuel card logically provides you with a larger network.
  • The size of the discounts
    Own brand tank cards usually not only give a discount on the official price, but also an extra discount on the pump. However, with a fuel card from MAES you also benefit from a nice fuel discount and requesting a card is even completely free.

MAES Mobility Card: multi-brand tank card with extra options

Finally, does your team need a fuel card with even more options? Then the MAES Mobility Card is a good idea. With this all-in-one fuel card, your employees take public transport carefree or rent an electric scooter.

Order our free fuel card now

With the MAES fuel card you can not only refill your car for little money; the card itself costs nothing at all. You request them for free and you do not have to take into account minimum purchases or monthly costs.

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