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Discover the perfect charging card for your electric car.

Whether you already own an electric or hybrid car, you undoubtedly understand how valuable a good charging card can be. Charging at home and at work is not always possible, and charging on the go is often necessary. With the right charging card you can effortlessly use charging points throughout the country and even beyond. However, the abundance of choices on the market can make choosing a challenge. That’s why we’d like to share some essential considerations below that can help you find the ideal charging card.

Find the best charging card for your electric car

A good charging card improves your electric driving experience in various ways:

  • Access to an Extensive Charging Network: You get access to an extensive network of charging points, not only locally, but also nationally and internationally.
  • Easy Charging and Payment: Thanks to the right charging card you can easily charge without hassle and without complicated payment processes.
  • Extra Benefits: Some charging cards offer extra benefits, such as discounts and exclusive offers that make your driving experience even more enjoyable.

Which charging card for your electric car?

When selecting the best charging card for your electric or hybrid car, there are some essential factors to keep in mind:

  • Coverage and Network: Check whether the charging card covers a wide range of charging points, both local, national and international.
  • Rate plans: Compare different rate plans and choose the one that best suits your charging behavior. Some passes offer favorable rates during off-peak hours, while others charge a fixed rate per charging session.
  • Compatibility: Make sure that the charging card is compatible with the available charging infrastructure in your region.
  • Extra Benefits: Consider charging cards that offer extra benefits, such as discounts on parking costs and special deals with partners.
  • Ease of use: An intuitive and easy-to-use app or website for managing your charge card can make all the difference in your overall experience. ervaring.

Discover the MAES Hybrid Card

At MAES we proudly present our handy MAES Hybrid Card. With this card you can charge at the extensive Blue Corner network, spread throughout Europe. In addition, at MAES you benefit from competitive rates and only a small fixed monthly fee of €1 and a small transaction fee of 0.50 euro. For hybrid cars we offer even more benefits with the free features of the MAES fuel card. This includes access to our refueling network of no fewer than 1,700 locations in the Benelux, and the handy MAES app, which allows you to easily refuel on the go.

At MAES we understand the needs of modern car owners and provide a comprehensive solution for your charging and refueling needs. We are ready to take your driving experience to a new level.


Apply for your MAES Hybrid Card now!