You can now refuel carbon-neutral via MAES

Sustainability on the road has gained enormous importance in recent years. But simply having your entire fleet drive electrically is not so obvious and not always the solution. And not all electricity is generated sustainably. That is why we at MAES want to present you as many alternatives as possible. In addition to our project to install charging stations at our stations, our Hybrid card for electric charging and our renewable diesel HVO, we now also offer the solution to refuel in a carbon-neutral way or to purchase fuels from us whose CO2 emissions are compensated. thanks to a CO2 compensation.By paying a small fee per liter of fuel, your CO2 emissions are fully compensated. So you continue to drive around with your current cars, heat or otherwise use fuels as you are used to, but we will ensure that your CO2 emissions are fully compensated.  We do this in collaboration with, among others, “Climate Neutral Group

 What are the benefits of this CO2 compensation?

  • No extra investments: With this method you can continue to use your current fleet or installation(s), but be carbon-neutral mobile or heat yourself from tomorrow.
  • No extra administration: If you work through us, we will make sure that everything is administratively in order. What’s more, every year you get a certificate for the number of tons of CO2 that you have compensated.
  • Working carbon neutral is perfect for your image: The certificate can help you in the future to get certain customers over the line. More and more people are finally realizing the importance of the climate, if you can present this you have already won half the battle with some customers.

How does it work and what do you need to do?

It’s actually very simple. All you have to do is indicate for which offtakes you want to compensate the CO2 emissions, plus the date from which you want it to take effect. We will then pass on the amount to our partner and they will do the necessary. With this small extra contribution you compensate your full CO2 emissions from your fuel consumption.

By investing in carbon-neutral fuel, you are investing in climate projects that ensure that less CO2 is emitted elsewhere. This is all checked by independent, internationally recognized agencies so that you can rest assured that your extra contribution is effectively having a demonstrable effect.

What do we do for you?

We arrange the entire administration. We ensure that everything is automatically processed on your invoice and that we pass it on to our partner. They take care of the CO2 compensation and provide a certificate at the end of the year stating the total amount of CO2 emissions compensated.

Underlying climate projects

One of the projects in which investments are made and which will receive carbon credits is a wind farm in East China. In Jiangsu Province, coal is the main fuel for electricity production. The construction of the 47 windmills on the coastline of the Yellow Sea ensures that renewable energy is used instead of coal. For example , no polluting coal is used for production. In addition to supporting the production of the wind turbines, the project will also strengthen the economic strength of the region by using climate-friendly technology. The project also contributes to a number of Sustainable Development Goals such as number 4, 7, 8 and of course 13 of the UN.

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