Smart ways to save money on car expenses

Smart ways to save money on car expenses

Driving a car can be expensive, but with a bit of smart planning and some simple tricks, you can save on your car expenses. With the saying ‘every little bit helps’ in mind, we would like to present you with some tips that will help you save money on your car expenses every year!

MAES, Tips

Maintenance on time

Prevention is better than cure, and that certainly applies to car maintenance. Regular maintenance, such as oil changes, tyre rotations and air filter replacements, can extend the life of your car and prevent costly repairs.

Drive economically

A smooth driving style can not only improve safety but also reduce your fuel consumption. Avoid sudden acceleration and braking, maintain a constant speed and shift up a gear in time. Also, do not take off too fast and make sure the engine is well warmed up, otherwise you will consume more fuel.

Compare insurances

Insurance can be a big expense for car owners. Take time to compare different insurers and get quotes to ensure you get the best cover at the lowest price. Be sure to check out mileage bundles, where the premium is based on the number of miles you drive per year. This is because you can get the biggest discount on these.

Choose the right tyres

Make sure your tyres are the right size. In addition, regularly check that your tyres are at the recommended pressure. Finally, consider buying fuel-saving tyres, which are specially designed to reduce fuel consumption and improve grip.

Avoid unnecessary costs

Make sure your tyres are the right size. In addition, regularly check that your tyres are at the recommended pressure. Finally, consider buying fuel-saving tyres, which are specially designed to reduce fuel consumption and improve grip.

Avoid unnecessary costs

Be alert to hidden costs such as parking fees, tolls and traffic fines. Try to find free parking options or use apps to compare parking costs and save. Plan your route in advance to avoid toll roads if possible, and follow traffic rules to avoid fines.

Switch off your engine when stationary

It seems obvious, but when you see how many cars are parked at the school gate with the engine running, it seems that many drivers have overlooked this important lesson. Your vehicle consumes significantly more fuel when the engine is idling while waiting for someone or standing at a traffic light.

Consider alternative transport methods

Finally, consider whether you really need to make every trip by car. Do you have a small trip ahead of you? Then go on foot or take a bike. There are also other cheaper and more environmentally friendly alternatives available, such as using shared cars or ride services. By consciously choosing when to use your car, you can save money on car expenses in the long run.

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