Some misconceptions about the ban on new gasoil boilers
There are many misconceptions about the decree of 22 October 2021 announcing the ban on the purchase of new gasoil boilers. We would like to clarify the new law for you, so that everyone knows what they are still allowed to do or not. Most importantly, repairs are still possible.
Gasoil, MAES
One of the many misconceptions about the ban on gasoil boilers is that many people thought that a normal repair is no longer possible, but we are happy to contradict this immediately. In 2022 it will still be possible to repair existing boilers. It does not matter whether your house can be connected to the natural gas network or not. So repair is definitely not a problem. Replacing or having a new one installed is another matter. To this end, it is checked whether a connection to the natural gas network is possible. If this is not possible in your street, you can still opt for a gasoil boiler. If this is possible, this is in principle prohibited, although there are exceptions.
For existing buildings :
There is one important exception for gasoil boilers ordered before 19 November 2021. This is the date on which the decree was published in the Official Gazette. Due to the scarcity of semiconductors and the ensuing supply problems of new boilers, this is still allowed. However, the installation must be done before March 31, 2022.
For new-build homes:
It is still permitted to install an oil boiler. This is if the building permit was applied before 01.01.2022! Even if it can be connected to the natural gas network. The date of the application for the building permit counts here, not the date on which the permit was or will be granted. If the building permit is applied for after January 1, 2022, installation in new buildings is prohibited, even if no natural gas connection is possible.
Opinions differ on major energy renovations (IER). Some think that this rule is the same as for new-build homes. So, your building permit for carrying out the renovation was applied before January 1, 2022? Then it would still be allowed. Only the Flemish administration places the major energy renovations at an existing home and you should therefore follow these regulations. The latter is open to interpretation and it is best to check with your municipality.
Whatever the rules, the fuel oil sector continues to hope that this decree will be annulled by the Constitutional Court. This before the end of this year.
The scheme below can also be helpful
The most important passages from the decree of 22 October 2021:
“It is prohibited to install a gasoil boiler in both residential and non-residential buildings for which the environmental permit for urban development activities related to new construction or major energy renovation is requested from 1 January 2022.
Without prejudice to the application of the first paragraph, in existing residential buildings and in non-residential buildings, from 1 January 2022 only gas oil fuel boiler or a boiler body (*) may be replaced by another oil fuel boiler or another boiler body, or a heating technology other than a heating oil boiler can be replaced by an oil heating boiler, if no natural gas network is available in the street.”
(*) A ‘boiler body’ is defined in the Decree as “all the parts of a fuel oil boiler that are not responsible for the combustion of the fuel, but for the transfer of combustion heat to water”.
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