Premium of 200 euros for gasoil and propane users

Premium of 200 euros for gasoil and propane users

To combat the rising energy bill the government has taken a series of decisions to keep the bills down. This includes lower excise duties on diesel & petrol. Also, the government promised a premium of 200 euros for gasoil and propane users. Negotiations on the elaboration of the latter are still ongoing. But we can already reassure you that this measure will be implemented regardless of whether you have already placed an order this year or have yet to place an order. Negotiations on this will continue early next week.

Fuel, Gasoil

The war in Ukraine is having a huge impact and is causing sustained price increases. Therefore, the federal government has decided to deploy an additional package of 1.33 billion euros to reduce rising energy bills. 1.08 billion is financed with fiscal revenues due to the increased energy prices. Therefore, a premium of 200 euros for gasoil and propane users will be given.

The package includes the following measures:

  1. One-time automatic discount of €200 per domicile on the invoice for all families who heat with gasoil/propane/butane. The details of this still have to be negotiated further and will be announced as soon as possible.
  2. The special excise duties for diesel & petrol will be reduced as soon as possible (and temporarily) by 17.5 cents/litre (incl. VAT).
  3. 6% VAT on electricity instead of 21% until September 30, 2022.
  4. 6% VAT on natural gas instead of 21% from April 1, 2022 to September 30, 2022.
  5. The broadened social tariff for natural gas/electricity will be extended until September 30, 2022.
  6. A cliquet system will also be introduced whereby excise duties will resume as soon as the maximum price falls below 1.7 euros/litre. An evaluation will be made in mid-June 2022, followed by a monthly evaluation.
  7. The rule on temporary unemployment due to force majeure due to Covid-19, which would normally expire at the end of March, will be extended until June 30, 2022. Among other things, to help companies affected by the war and possible economic sanctions.

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